Saturday, September 29, 2012

Adventure Onward!

It's been a week since my surgery. 
I'm doing really well actually. I'm learning how much is too much and when I need more protein because I haven't had enough yet. I've also lost 20 pounds from the weight that I was right before surgery. 
My weight loss slowed down when I came home but I think that's because I started to actually eat after I got home from the hospital.

Right now, my focus is on getting my strength back and getting enough protein into my diet.
According to what my doctor gave me, I can do soft foods in addition to all the liquid stuff I had before. This means I get to start eating refried beans, eggs, cheese, and.....tuna.

Now, if you've known me for awhile, you know that I do not like any type of sea food. But even I cannot deny the protein benefits of fish. So, I'm starting very small. I'm going to be trying some and doctor it up so I hopefully don't get that fishy taste but getting that protein that I need.

I have a huge journey still ahead of me. As I can start adding more and more food to my diet, I have to be even more careful that I'm only eating the amount that I'm supposed to so as to not give my self discomfort or to stretch out my new pouch.

I'm looking forward to the changes that are coming. All the love and prayers that I've been getting have been amazing and I cannot thank everyone enough. I still have another week off to heal though and Ryan won't be here so it will be a real test to see how well I'm going to do on my own.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you to be getting healthy!! Its the biggest part in having the surgery! You are going to do awesome! Follow the plan, don't give up!! <3
